Programme Title: Strengthening Collective Efforts in North-East India (SCENEI)
Duration: 2005 – 2014
Supported by – Centre for Social Development (CSD), Imphal
Key Activities Undertaken
- Training on Climate Change Adaptation, Human Rights, Gender Mainstreaming, Globalisation, Neo-Liberalisation etc.
- Capacity building workshop on Peace building and Conflict transformation
- Campaign on Dams, Human Rights, Violence Against Women etc.
- Seminar and convention on the issue of indigenous people
- Initiation of study and documentation on environmental and human rights issue.
- NEADS have able to promote 3 numbers of local POs with membership of about 2630 including 2070 females and 560 males
- Developed strong working relationship with 4 numbers of existing state level POs with total membership of more than 85,000 including more than 25,000 males and about 65,000 females
- Promoted 33 numbers of SHG with total membership of 443 including 423 females and 20 males
- Promoted 3 SHGs Federation with total membership of 486 including 423 females and 63 males
- Promoted 1 farmer club with total membership of 40 including 21 females and 19 males
- Promoted 3 food banks with total membership of 193 including 144 females and 49 males.