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Climate Justice Feminist Participatory Action Research for Change
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- Climate Justice Feminist Participatory Action Research for Change
Project Area – Sadiya sub-division, Dist.- Tinsukia
Supporting Agency – Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)
Duration – 2017-18
Overall objective
To advance rural, indigenous, migrant and urban poor (RIMUP) women’s human rights by increasing their capacity in Asia Pacific to author evidence-based community research and be vocal and effective policy advocates for climate justice, human rights and just development.
Specific objectives
- Develop the capacity of RIMUP women and their organisations in 8-10 communities to research and document evidence for use in engaging decision-making processes on climate change at local, national, regional and international levels;
- Foster knowledge and resources on the impact of climate change and climate policies, practices and projects on women at the local, national, regional and international levels;
- Establish strategic advocacy plans and opportunities to share evidence-based results and support women’s own positions and solutions for policy change at national, regional and international levels; and
- Strengthen institutional development of partner organization through leadership development and movement building.